Monday, July 09, 2007

Non-Surgical Sterilization: Essure gets a leg up from British Journal

[Click on Post Title for Link to External Article]

Conceptus's Essure might not be the most effective non - surgical sterilization, but it is definitely a successful first-in-line treatment strategy for minimally invasive alternatives to tubal ligation.

Here is a link to the British Journal Abstract from June 2007:

It is interesting to note the 92% success rate, but I am a bit baffled by the 4 - 5 day recovery period. Additional constraints on the device include an independent indication for success from normal uteri and the procedure being performed in the non-secretory phase of the menstrual cycle.

Definitely, there seems to be more room for improvement in the market. These improvements can come from: increased success rates, usability on varying uterine anatomies, and a NovaSure type "cycle blindness" - referring to the fact that the device can be used at any stage of the menstrual cycle.

Eventually, the success of Essure and similar devices will depend on OB/GYN practice moving from the OR to the office setting...

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