Here is my post from yesterday:
So, I talked about the FDA and their much delayed, yet knee-jerk reaction on DES. I also talked about how stent companies do keep popping up, regardless of several issues with perception. To sum it up, I defined how the major stent players are more worried about litigation on defective products than in actually trying to understand (I am pretty sure - no one has a clue) if stents are actually effective and proving it medically and scientifically.
Referring back to the article on VentureBeat, it is a little bothersome to me that they didn't react quickly. What is it that they were doing from May all the way through December? Yes, and what is with all the secrecy?
Well, it maybe that Devax has other issues to deal with. But they are venture funded. So aren't their investors interested in making sure Devax doesn't raise unwanted suspicions?
Maybe we will hear from them soon....
It is interesting though that Venture Capitalists do continue to fund stent companies. Only time will tell if these "new" stent companies will revive the market or if the whole thing will unravel. One thing we would not expect to see as much is the kind of mania that surrounded DES when they were first introduced.
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