I just wrote about this issue last week. Okay, I wrote about patents but this one is just wierd...
So this case in particular seems to be an interesting one in terms of providing surgeons the ability to still use the copyrighted procedure brochures and other material, as long as they pay and get trained. Dr. Rutledge who invented the procedure does not seem to be so interested in a process patent, thus making it easier for others to use ..and probably cheaper.
And the copyright relates both to the marketing material and related patient recruitment documents...
When you own a copyright and feel its being violated you have to sue to try and protect your copyright. Hence this lawsuit is a technicality.
What I don't understand is, couldn't the doctors at Cornerstone not create their own forms? Sounds awfully lazy of them if you ask me...
Lets see where this one goes...
1 comment:
good information about helath. i alaways wait your article again
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